Practice Schedule
An on-going and steady daily practice schedule is a vital part of what a Zen center offers.
Our regular daily practice schedule consists of periods of zazen (meditation), kinhin (walking meditation), and service (bowing and chanting), as well as dharma talks (given by a teacher), dharma discussions, retreats, and Zen classes.
The Zen Center also offers other events, classes, and retreats that you can find on our Calendar. Those events will come and go but the daily practice schedule found here will remain consistent.
You may also request a private time for meditation instruction, one-on-one with our founder and guiding teacher Myozen Joan Amaral. It is appropriate to make a donation for the teacher for individual instruction; the amount is entirely up to you. Please email or call us to set up an appointment.
List of All Classes
This daily practice schedule is offered freely. Donations are always appreciated and are vital to our continuation. Our in-person practice times currently are Sunday mornings and Thursday evenings, Intro to Zen held monthly, and Community Zen at the Beverly Public Library on Fridays mid-day. All other times are on Zoom only for the moment as we continue our search for a dedicated physical practice place on the North Shore.
7:00am Meditation (Zazen)
7:30am Walking Meditation
7:40am Meditation (Zazen)
8:10am Chanting & Bowing
8:30am Dharma talk ending with refuges
Tuesday - Friday
6:00am Meditation (Zazen)
6:30am Walking Meditation
6:35am Meditation (Zazen)
7:05am Chanting & Bowing
Friday (afternoon)
11:30am-1pm Community Zen at the Beverly Public Library (in-person only)
We regularly meet through Zoom and in person to practice sitting meditation (zazen) together. We provide cushions or chairs to those who choose to join us in person.
During the morning schedule and retreats, we practice walking meditation as an extension of seated meditation.
During this ceremony, we chant the Loving Kindness Meditation, a teaching that emphasizes our inherent interconnection, and asks us to cultivate an open heart, full of goodwill, toward all beings without exception, starting with the beings who are present with us, here and now.
A dharma talk is given by the guiding teacher or a guest teacher and is intended to encourage meditation practice through personal stories as well as traditional teachings.
This group offers an inclusive space to all, so that we can explore what social justice means for people and engage in the conversations and relationship building that grow communities and put us in touch with one another.
When human life becomes chaotic and overwhelming, it can be helpful to head for the nearest meditation cushion or chair. In this monthly, in-person class, we will discuss the basics of Zen and meditation.
Check the calendar for the latest schedule.
Recovery Resources include a community of people whose lives have been touched by addiction. If you are looking for local connections and support, please contact Amy Tyrrell.
During our seasonal class series, we engage in deep study of different Zen teachings together. These classes happen both in-person and through Zoom and seek to accommodate all.
This is a dedicated time for connection with others to discover the basics of meditation practice and make contact with our own stability and sanity. Sessions will include brief instruction in sitting posture, teachings for well-being and healing, and practices for working with the mind, along with guided meditation for grounding and centering.