Recovery Sangha
Who We Are
Recovery Resources is a community of people whose lives have been touched by addiction. We welcome addicts, alcoholics, family, friends, providers, caretakers, and any other interested person.
Our group’s only goal is to provide a safe and supportive space for practice and exploration of how meditation can improve the lives of those living with, or who love those living with, addiction.
You do not have to have any experience with meditation or recovery, nor hold any particular belief in order to attend or participate. All are welcome!
There is no fee for attendance. If you would like to make a voluntary contribution to support Recovery Sangha, please donate here.
Recovery Sangha Weekly Meetings
Wednesday Evenings
6:30 - 7:00 PM: Zazen (Sitting Meditation)
7:15 - 8:15 PM: Recovery Sangha Meeting
Join us through Zen Zoom.
We alternate between guest speakers and reading from various recovery books
(currently Kevin Griffin's Buddhism & The Twelve Steps Workbook), followed by discussion.
Guest Speaker Series
Recovery Sangha is excited to be joined by our series of guest speakers who have offered to share their own experience with how practice can support ongoing recovery. Guest speakers will be welcomed during the regular meeting time on Wednesdays from 7:15-8:15pm on Zen Zoom. All are welcome!
Guests Speakers:
Roger Hillyard first came to Zen practice in 2007, and studied as a nonresident at City Center for four years. During that time he became the jiko (attendant) for his teacher Shosan Victoria Austin and continued in that role for six years. He received Buddha’s precepts and lay initiation from Shosan in 2009. In 2010, he became a full-time resident at City Center. Over the last ten years, he has lived and worked at Tassajara, Green Gulch, and City Center. He served on the SFZC Board and has held a variety of positions in the three temples. He was Shuso in 2021, and is now a Practice Leader at City Center. In addition to his Zen practice, Roger has been actively involved in recovery for over thirty years.
Patsy Creedy has practiced at San Francisco Zen Center's City Center since 2000. She received lay initiation in 2010 from Eijun Linda Ruth Cutts. She was on the board of SFZC’s Meditation in Recovery for several years, and was a regular featured speaker.
Catherine Gammon is a fiction writer and Soto Zen priest. Catherine served on the faculty of the Master of Fine Arts program of the University of Pittsburgh before leaving the university to begin formal Zen training. She trained for twelve years in residence at San Francisco Zen Center, where in 2005 she was ordained a priest in the lineage of Shunryu Suzuki Roshi by Tenshin Reb Anderson Roshi. Since serving as Shuso in 2010 at SFZC’s Green Dragon Temple/Green Gulch Farm, Catherine has given teachings in Zen and writing in the U.K., in Brooklyn, in Pittsburgh, in Massachusetts, and at Green Gulch Farm. She lives again in Pittsburgh, with her garden and her cat.
Special Events
Recovery Resources
The following are links to resources that our members have found helpful in supporting their meditation practice and/or their recovery. *These are personal recommendations and do not necessarily reflect or imply Zen Center North Shore’s endorsement or affiliation.
“Buddhism & The Twelve Steps Workbook” - Kevin Griffin
“One Breath at a Time: Buddhism and the 12 Steps” - Kevin Griffin
“Alcoholics Anonymous” - Anonymous
“Recovery Dharma- How to Use Buddhist Practices and Principles to Heal the Suffering of Addiction” - Recovery Dharma
Books can be purchased locally or online at Copper Dog Books in Beverly, Massachusetts
Articles and Essays
9 Essays: Buddhism & The 12 Step Model of Recovery
Applying Buddhism in Addiction Recovery
The Karma of Recovery
Zen Center North Shore Podcast
Buddhist Recovery Network
The 12 Steps and Buddhism - Minnesota Zen Meditation Center
The 12 Step Buddhist
Online Groups and Resources
These groups can be resources for those wishing to connect with the wider recovery community.
San Francisco Zen Center - Meditation in Recovery Group
Minnesota Zen Meditation Center - Meditation Recovery Group
Buddhist Recovery Network (a good way to find Buddhist recovery resources)
Recovery Dharma (an organization using Buddhist principles and practices as a vehicle for recovery) Zen Center - Meditation and Recovery Group
National Resources
Alcoholics Anonymous World Services
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration